Variable Refrigerant volume (VRV)(VRF)

 VRV is a technology that alternates the refrigerant volume in a system to match a building, s precise requirements. only a minimum amount of energy is required for a system to maintain set temperatures and ensure that it automatically shuts off when on occupants are detected in a room. This unique mechanism achieves more sustainability in the long run, as end users save on energy costs while reducing their systems carbon emissions. With up 64 indoor units connected to one outdoor unit the VRV system operates similar to a multi split system. each individual indoor unit determines the capacity .it needs based on the current indoor temperature and requested. temperature from the remote control. The total demand among all indoor units will determine how the outdoor unit adjusts the refrigerant volume and temperature only supplying the cooling or heating that is needed the inverter compressor continues to save allege amount of energy during VRV operation.


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